Speaking & Literary Agency | Event Booking for Speakers | Author Representation


ConsultiNG with Joy


Navigating the world of communications--whether in writing and publishing, on stage or in a conference room, on social media, or on a boat with Barbara Walters, can feel like uncharted territory.  

My communication experience ranges from conference director; producer; speaker; podcaster; content creator; video personality; writer; literary and speaking agent. My years of experience in these fields and working with creatives and communicators has highlighted my love of getting people who are feeling stuck but ready to take action from A-Z.

In listening to you and your ideas, passions and goals I will ask questions to help you get clarity, heighten your ideas and give you very honest feedback. We will craft a game plan and counter those voices that tell you “it’s already been done, said or written.”

Sometimes you just need someone besides your mom to tell you what they think.

I’m not your momma, but I will tell you what to do!

(Also, Punchline isn't just me. I’m a “do you know this person, organization or ARE YOU WATCHING THIS SHOW?!” - type connector so if there’s someone or something else that might be a good fit for you, I’ll point you on the right path.)


Tell me your objectives and we will arrange a time on Zoom, phone or in person (if you happen to be in Paris, France). Some examples might include: 

  • Figuring out if your book idea is strong, clear and ready to be written or published

  • Getting your book proposal ready to be noticed by a literary agent or publisher

  • Marketing and getting the word out about your book or business

  • Creating, finetuning or getting feedback on a keynote

  • Incorporating humor into your talks, writing or organization that is representative

  • Building an unforgettable PowerPoint presentation

  • Preparing for and understanding your audience (online, on camera or on stage)

  • Improving interpersonal dynamics

  • Hosting, planning and producing a successful event

  • Preparing to be interviewed or interview others

  • Talking to someone objectively about your book idea who IS NOT your mom.

Talk soon!

- Joy