marcy gregg author speaker artist blank canvas

Marcy Gregg

Marcy Gregg is a wife, mother, grandmother, abstract oil painter, speaker, and survivor. In 1990, at the age of 30, Marcy and her husband welcomed their third child, a little girl. However, their joy was quickly overshadowed when an undetected complication that arose during delivery caused Marcy to suddenly slip into a coma. With little hope of survival, doctors prepared her family for the worst; yet God had other plans. Marcy miraculously woke up days later, only to believe she was 17 years old.

Much of Marcy’s memory was gone and she was left with the daunting task of rebuilding her identity in a life she did not recognize.

Her first book, Blank Canvas: The Amazing Story of a Woman Who Awoke from a Coma to a Life She Couldn’t Remember, was published by Tyndale Publishers in May 2022.



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