Rebecca Isaacson author headshot. Rebecca Isaacson is a speaker with Punchline Agency. Rebecca Isaacson speaks on topics including Biblical Justice, Faith, and Christian Living for Sermons, Retreats, and Workshops.

Rebecca Isaacson

Rebecca (Bec) Isaacson is an Australian writer, speaker, and photographer living and working alongside her Alaskan pastor husband in the American Midwest.

She is a passionate INFJ list-making type one on the enneagram who cares deeply about a whole bucket of richly beautiful things. Namely Jesus, but also the written word, what the Bible has to say about the poor, and what the average human living in the minority world can practically and actually do about it.

She writes and speaks primarily as a means to empower and equip christians to be a part of ending extreme global poverty–calling all believers to live outrageously generous lives as they follow Jesus and live out their calling as His stewards. Bec recently started the podcast, “how to live with the rich,” which can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and wherever else you listen to podcasts.

Bec is currently working on her first book proposal with Punchline and is open to interested publishers. Please contact if you are an acquiring editor.


Book Titles by Rebecca

Rebecca is currently working on her first book proposal with Punchline and is open to interested publishers. Please contact if you are an acquiring editor.